Bellingham Chinese Christian Church

Annual Cleaning教会年度清洁

Church annual cleaning on 10am-12pm 8/26/2023 教会年度清洁时间为上午 10 点至下午 12 点 8/26/2023

The Mid-Autumn Festival and the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Mei Hua Chinese School美華中文學校中秋節及成立20週年慶祝

Bloedel Donovan Park 2114 Electric Ave, Bellingham, United States

美華中文學校中秋節及成立20週年慶祝活動將於10月 8日下午2點-4點在Bloedel Donovan Park 舉行。歡迎大家盡快向Joni報名免費參加!The Mid-Autumn Festival and the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Mei Hua Chinese School will be held on Sunday, October 8th, 2 PM - 4 PM at Bloedel Donovan Park. Please sign up with Joni soon if you would like to go. It’s a free event.